Rotary Club of Springfield North Photo Gallery

Packing Day at Ozarks Food Harvest
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Rotary North spent an evening assisting with the packing of meals for senior citizens to be distributed throughout southwest Missouri. We completed 710 households with a total of 20,016 pounds of food.

Roseann Bentley Musical Playground
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A hands-on playground where kids can use various items to make sounds.

Civil Justive Center DSG Project
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Our Club remodeled and refurbished a children's play area at the Civil Justice Center where children could play while their parent(s) are in a counseling session.

Rotary Peace Pole
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This Rotary Peace Pole is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Springfield North as an expression of Rotary's hope for peaceful relations between people in our community and world.

Club Service Project at OFH 8/30/2022
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Club Service Project at OFH

Club donation to Safe to Sleep of phone battery charging station
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On September 21, the club presented a donation of charging stations to Safe to Sleep, a women's overnight shelter in Springfield. That same week, on Thursday, September 23, we kicked off our first ever "Rotary Day of Caring" with clean up and beautification of Rare Breed Youth Services in conjunction with United Way of the Ozarks annual Day of Caring.

Rotary North's Week of Giving
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The club spent the Rotary Day of Giving to cleanup the Rare Breed facility. The work consisted of removing and hauling off a significant amount of brush, limbs, and weeds to make the facility much more presentable.

Springfield Dream Center DSG 2018 - 2019
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These photos show the audio / visual equipment that was provided by Springfield Rotary North for their 2018-2019 District Simplified Grant for use in their Great Circles programming at the Springfield Dream Center.

Dry Sac Trail Cleanup on April 10, 2021
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The Rotary Club of Springfield North spent a rainy Saturday morning on April 10, 2021, picking up trail along the Springfield Dry Sac walking trail.

Dream Center Community Block Party Equipment
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Items purchased for the Dream Center to host their Community Block Parties and to store their equipment. For example; sound system, games, tables, etc.

District Awards
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Members of Rotary North attended a "watch party" for the Virtual District Awards Presentation hosted by IPDG, Jacque Howard, on August 19, 2021

Officer Installation 2020-2021
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Installation of Club Officers for 2020-2021

COC Crosslines Greenhouse DSG project 2019-2020
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Our Club obtained a District Simplified Grant and used Club matching funds to purchase and construct a greenhouse for the Council of Churches Crosslines Program. This will be used to instruct individuals and families that are Crosslines' clients on how to start their own garden plants from seeds.

Dream Center Cooking Pavilion
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2018 Construction of the pavilion at the Springfield Dream Center

Springfield Dream Center 2018 Projects
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These show a brief summary of the various projects that Springfield North completed in 2018 for the Springfield Dream Center

Community Garden Construction
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2017 construction of the community garden across from Reed Middle School.